The human brain consists of billions of nerve cells or "neurons" which are capable of storing each and every happening of one's life.Every bit knowledge that one accrues through any of the sensory organs, gets recorded in the brain. This capacity of the brain is called memory. In real life, due to inadequate usage, the brain often fails to promptly recall and clearly reproduce the knowledge that we ask for. The failure of the brain to send out an immediate response does not prove the lack of potential or the failure of one's memory.This just signifies that the capacity of the brain has not yet been honed to perfection or utilized properly and scientifically. This CD, especially developed for students, enables you to improve your memory, and with repeated listening develop a cosmic photographic memory.
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Concentration is one pointed thought. Good concentration is like a laser beam of powerful directive energy converging on a small region. On the other hand, if that same powerful energy is fragmented over many different activities or thoughts at the same time, the evergy is dispersed and nothing or real substance can be achieved. This CD enable you to reverse this unproductive behavior and achieve maximum success through intense laser concentration.
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All speed reading techniques are based on one fact. Our brains can hear only 250 words per minute, but our brains can see upto 2000 words per minute. This CD will literally enable you to "see" thought pages of text, and absorb everything that you read. A very powerful CD to increase the reading speed and concentration of anything including newspapers, magazines, reports, books etc.
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Did you know that the script of the blockbuster film, "Jurassic park" was rejected by all major Hollywood directors, and that the renowned painter, Leonardo-da-vinci was thrown out of his school for "lacking the ability to think?" The point is that we all have the ability.This awareness can alone work wonders. And this is what this CD is all about. It conditions your mind to see yourself as a creative genius,bursting with creativity.
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How do you react to the thought of sitting in an exam. Do you approach the examination as a challenge or as a problem, as an opportunity to embrace or one to get rid of. This CD is designed to instill a positive sense of anticipation towards examinations, so that you tackle them with confidence and poise, rather than fear and helplessness.
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It is often seen that many brilliant students get through their exams with considerable ease, but are terrified at the thought of attending an interview, be it for a school or college admission or for a job placement. Through imagery and affirmations this CD will improve your confidence for dealing with interview in positive manner. It will also provide you a keyword for post hypnotic conditioned response. A very powerful program.
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Institute of Mind Control and Development ,
GKR Mansion,
Flat No.203, 6-1-69,
Opp. Lutheran Church,
Saifabad Lakdikapool ,
Hyderabad 500 004 , INDIA
Mobile: +91 8801031000
E-mail address : [email protected]